The Complicated version:
WARNING: this post isn’t simple, short, or uncomplicated. But it’s necessary so bear with me.
My name is Becca. I am an over analyzer, an over thinker, and I complicate just about everything. In an effort not to over think this post (who are we kidding, I’ve deleted and rewritten this 27 times in 40 minutes), I’ll get to my point...
I had an Ah-Ha moment five or so years back. My moment was simple (ironically)- every time I stopped trying to make something work, every time I stopped thinking about how perfect something needed to be, every time I stopped and stepped back, everything or the thing that was causing stress and frustration in my life was already just as it was supposed to be; simple and uncomplicated. Please note, in most cases I was FORCED to stop complicating things due to exhaustion, risk, or frustration which in hindsight was a large part of any stress I was under.
Since I’ve become AWARE, it’s been a slow process, but I’m finally becoming an “expert” on un-complicating the parts of my life that I’ve made complicated and more importantly I’m able to recognize a simple solution up front. I feel I’m at a point now where I’m able to maintain the simple and uncomplicated and I’m able to recognize when I’ve made something complicated before I have to do too much untangling. I have to remind myself regularly that I need to let some things just be or stop complicating it and voila! Almost always, things work out.
I’m starting this blog because it’s something I’ve over thought, and over-complicated for years now- I tried to start a fitness blog, I got in my head, I failed. I tried to start a fitness nutrition mom blog with a friend, I got in my head, I failed... etc etc etc. I feel at this point I finally have a grasp on uncomplicated living, I’m making strides all the time, and I KNOW there are more people out there like me, who just want to live a simpler, less complicated (mom) life to include but not limited to, fitness, nutrition, and day to day easy living. I’m a work in progress right now but the results I’m experiencing as I simplify or untangle one thing at a time are eye opening, and aiding in a much happier less stressful way of living for my precious family and me. If I can help even just one other person, who either desires a simpler solution to something, needs an uncomplicated viewpoint on something or doesn’t yet realize uncomplicated living is even a thing but is at least now aware it’s an option, then this blog will be 100% worth it.
My hope is to keep my posts simple, short (er), and always sweet. My goal is to show you before and afters of how I’ve uncomplicated something, share experiences of something that worked out because I let it be, and picture documentation of my “simple” living way. Because of my background and passion, I’ll be covering uncomplicated fitness, nutrition, and parenting/living (because I am not just a mom but also a wife, dog mom, home owner, personal trainer and a whole bunch of other wonderful things that all need a little untangling sometimes).
So please, take what you need and leave the rest for someone else. I’m here to share help and collaborate with all that are willing to play nice in the sandbox.
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